INSET 2022/23

Content (who)DescriptionRequirements
September INSET: All Staff Safeguarding Training slides(The DSL)All staff should receive this training in September. It is suitable for staff of all roles across the organisation, covering off the statutory areas of safeguarding training, and also including a number of thematic area relevant to your academy.  A reminder, that staff are able to access a bank of Safeguarding webinars on our DSL Resource bank. There is no requirement in this area, this is for you. The DSL will need to work through the slides, and contextualise the slides that are asking for local information  
INSET Return Form (The DSL)It is a requirement that all staff read and understand Part 1. KCSIE, attend annual safeguarding training and read and understand a number of policies.  This form is both Ofsted-tested, but also a useful way for DSLs to assure themselves that all staff have met their statutory obligations in respect of safeguarding. This document should be signed, and completed by all staff. The DSL should maintain a file of all the returned INSET forms. These should also be completed by new starters throughout the year. 
Academy Council and Academy Improvement Board report template (The DSL)This report ensures consistent reporting into Academy Councils and AIBs. From September 2022, DSLs should use this reporting template, and CC all completed reports to [email protected]
Academy Child Protection Policy Template (2022) (The DSL)This policy is a working draft, until September 1st2022, when the final version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022) is released. You should use this working draft to start to add contextual details, and complete the areas marked in yellow.  On the 1st September 2022, you will be sent a final version of this policy. At that point, you should upload this policy to your Academy website. 
CET Safeguarding Policy (22/23)(The DSL)On the 1st September 2022, you will be sent a final version of this policy. At that point, you should upload this policy to your Academy website. 
CET: Managing Allegations and Safeguarding Concerns about adults working across CET(The DSL)
Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022) – Part 1. Audiobook(The DSL)It is a statutory requirement that all staff read and understand Part 1. KCSIE. However, some staff may find an audio version more accessible. To make the document more accessible, we have recorded Part 1. KCSIE as an audiobook, available on both Spotify and Apple Music. Staff should be made aware of this audiobook as part of the September Safeguarding training workshop.  Spotify: Apple Music: QR code:  Qr code

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CET Safeguarding: September Assurance Return (The HT/Principal)The Trust Board is responsible under the Independent Schools Act for ensuring that academies meet core statutory requirements.  At the start of each academic year, the Principal/HT is asked to return an assurance that all critical statutory roles have been assigned and key compliance areas around policy and training have been met.  Principals/HTs, with the support of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, should complete this MS form by 1st October 2022.   This is a link to the questions, so you know in advance what is being asked.