Welcome to the Creative Education Trust Safeguarding CPD hub.
Welcome to the Creative Education Trust Safeguarding CPD hub!
This is your one-stop destination for all things safeguarding within CET. Our Safeguarding Hub offers a wealth of resources, including informative webinars, essential tools like our SGF forms, and meticulously crafted Alternative Provision quality assurance templates.
We understand the importance of professional development in safeguarding, and that’s why we provide quick links to our latest CPD course booking forms, ensuring that you have easy access to the knowledge and training you need.
Welcome, to our Safeguarding Hub.

Louis Donald,
Director of Safeguarding
Creative Education Trust
Support and Guidance
Providing a safe ear for Academy leaders is an essential area of our work. The CET Safeguarding Directorate provides advice, guidance and support to safeguarding leaders in all safeguarding and child protection areas.
High Quality CPD
Safeguarding training delivered on your premises by an NSPCC trained trainer to a maximum of 24 staff. Can include:
- DSL Training (2 days)
- DSL Refresher Training (1 day)
- Topic-based CPD session
- CEOP Induction (1 day)
- Accredited Safer Recruitment Training
Supporting others
CET can provide a complete safeguarding system for a MAT that not only allows the MAT Board to have the confidence that it is discharging its safeguarding duties but also facilitates the ongoing development of safeguarding professionals in its academies.